Drekker Broken Rudder (Irish Red Ale)

"taking it indoors today. cheers!"

Luke Carlson - Aroma: 2 out of 5 - Flavor: 3.5 out of 5 - August 2017 from Lucky's 13 Pub

Cheers from Alex Dixon


"Yo. what kind of beer?"

Alex Dixon - August 2017

"dude, I backed out of the app to reply to a message and it disappeared ha... consider this a big report"

Luke Carlson - August 2017

"Drekker Broken Rudder"

Luke Carlson - August 2017


Luke Carlson - August 2017

"yeah the one bug that I havent fixed yet that I know about is sometimes there's no beer associated with the share post. it happens when Internet connection is crappy."

Alex Dixon - August 2017

"could be that as well...i have one bar signal right now ha"

Luke Carlson - August 2017