Summit Frost Line Rye

Frost Line Rye is a Rye Beer by Summit. It has an ABV of 5.8%. It has a rating of 4.2 out of 5 with 3 reviews. The malt bill consists of US pale, US caramel rye, US pale rye, German chocolate rye, US flaked rye. The hops used are Summit, Citra, and Experimental Hop #01210. The yeast is Ale Strain.
4.17 out of 5 - Based on 3 reviews

ABV: 5.8%     IBU: 55     Style: Rye Beer

Description: Hidden in the cold ground in the dark of winter, lie little seeds of hope. So, to help hasten the spring thaw, we give you an ale bursting with the spicy goodness of malted rye and floral, citrusy hops. A "between seasons" seasonal, if you will.


Malts: US pale, US caramel rye, US pale rye, German chocolate rye, US flaked rye
Hops: Summit, Citra, and Experimental Hop #01210
Yeast: Ale Strain

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