Stone Ghost Hammer (IPA)
"Book and a beer. Both hitting the spot at the end of a kinda long day."
Brant Baker - Aroma: 4.5 out of 5 - Flavor: 4.5 out of 5 - August 2017
Cheers from Alex Dixon, Tyler Pearson and Michael Smith
"Book and a beer. Both hitting the spot at the end of a kinda long day."
Brant Baker - Aroma: 4.5 out of 5 - Flavor: 4.5 out of 5 - August 2017
Cheers from Alex Dixon, Tyler Pearson and Michael Smith
"Heard his books are legit"
Tyler Pearson - August 2017
"First one for me. Really enjoying it."
Brant Baker - August 2017
"First one for me. Really enjoying it."
Brant Baker - August 2017
"After I typed beer and a book, I had, what is it? Gold member? pop into my head."
Brant Baker - August 2017
"Whoa, little a. What's with he deja vu? I did not type that comment twice"
Brant Baker - August 2017
"Whoa, little a. What's with he deja vu? I did not type that comment twice"
Brant Baker - August 2017
"Ha. Neat."
Brant Baker - August 2017
"Anyway, T, something about a blintz?"
Brant Baker - August 2017