Odell 90 Shilling (Scottish Ale)

"Post ‘broke my heel at soccer’ quick fixit remedy (for the ages)"

Kevin Zavoral - Aroma: 4 out of 5 - Flavor: 4.5 out of 5 - March 2018 from Chub's Pub & Package Place near Fargo, North Dakota

Cheers from Michael Smith


"How bad is it broken?"

Michael Smith - March 2018

"It hurts like hell— 4Real. Moving day may be in jeopardy(!)...Alex Trebec stylee. 😐"

Kevin Zavoral - March 2018

"Oh i see. Pretty elaborate ruse to watch Ellen. You could just DVR it."

Michael Smith - March 2018

"Must be ruff....DVR, VCR, PDA, UHF, WDAY, RCA, h&M....the life of a rock star = Mike S"

Kevin Zavoral - March 2018