Castle Danger Mosaic IPA (Fresh Hop IPA)

"Not really impressed with this one either. Surly Wet is the winner of the fresh hop Mosaics."

Alex Dixon - Aroma: 3.5 out of 5 - Flavor: 3.5 out of 5 - October 2017 from Bernie's Wines & Liquors near Fargo, North Dakota
Cheers from Charly Jacobson
"That one was rather spendy at happy harrys"
Brant Baker - October 2017
"Yep. I was that curious."
Alex Dixon - October 2017
"I was gonna grab it til I saw the price"
Brant Baker - October 2017
"I did get the fbc one. Perhaps I'll try it now"
Brant Baker - October 2017