Labatt Blue
ABV: 5.0% Style: Pilsner
No one is drinking this beer right now.
Consumed 7 times.
Labatt Blue Reviews
Andrew McPherson - Aroma: 2.5 out of 5 - Flavor: 5 out of 5 - 4 weeks ago
"Everything tastes better in Canadia"Kelly Steig Haman - Aroma: 4.5 out of 5 - Flavor: 4 out of 5 - March 2018 from King's Head Pub near Winnipeg, Manitoba
"I don't always drink Canadian bière but when I do it's usually Pacifico."Kevin Zavoral - May 2017 from Bottle Barn Liquors near Fargo, North Dakota
Beer Baron - May 2016 from #phuxalec
"I thought raptors +6 was a lock"Beer Baron with Tyler Pearson and Mike Withnell - May 2016 from #alecsuxcaulk
Beer Baron - May 2016
"Canadian Pilsner Drinks like moonshine"Beer Baron - May 2016 from Not with alec