Drumconrath Rype!

Rype! is a Rye IPA by Drumconrath. It has an ABV of 6.0%. It has a rating of 4 out of 5 with 1 review.
4 out of 5 - Based on 1 review

ABV: 6.0%     Style: Rye IPA

No one is drinking this beer right now.

Consumed 1 time.

Drumconrath Rype! Reviews

  • "Rye malt with Citra and Mosaic hops. Sign me up. They did a good job combining flavors. Very approachable which leaves me wanting a bit more flavor but I think most people would really enjoy this."
    - Aroma: 4 out of 5 - Flavor: 4 out of 5 - October 2021 near Fargo, North Dakota