Northern Brewer Homebrew Black IPA
OG: 1.065 Style: Black IPA
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Consumed 9 times.
Northern Brewer Homebrew Black IPA Reviews
"This beer is 3.5 years old. One of our first batches. Amazingly good. Smells like Bitter Neighbor."Alex Dixon with Patrick Dixon, John F Dixon IV, Kathy Dixon - June 2016 near Fargo, North Dakota
"Really mellowed out."Alex Dixon - April 2013 from Pat's
- Patrick Dixon - March 2013 from AK House
"tasty, bit of hops, bit of darkness"Brant Baker - March 2013 from discos house near Fargo, North Dakota
Alex Dixon - March 2013 near Fargo, North Dakota
- Alex Dixon - February 2013 near Fargo, North Dakota
- Alex Dixon - February 2013 near Fargo, North Dakota
- Alex Dixon - February 2013 near Fargo, North Dakota
- Patrick Dixon - February 2013