Crooked Tooth Horchata Matata

Horchata Matata is a Sour by Crooked Tooth. It has an ABV of 4.8%. It has a rating of 4 out of 5 with 1 review.
4 out of 5 - Based on 1 review

ABV: 4.8%     Style: Sour

No one is drinking this beer right now.

Consumed 1 time.

Crooked Tooth Horchata Matata Reviews

  • "This brewery has a higher google rating. Interesting because they don't have any trendy styles. This is a horchata inspired sour with lactose, vanilla and cinnamon. Smells like horchata but the taste isn't quite there."
    with Chelsea Odden - Aroma: 4.5 out of 5 - Flavor: 4 out of 5 - October 2017 from Crooked Tooth Brewing Co. near Tucson, Arizona